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About Us

see why we are Masked to Help.

Michelle Williams, owner and founder is a VICTOR not Victim of childhood trauma and knows all to well the struggles of identity in childhood brokenness which lead her to always help in the realm of hurting youth. She would be nudged some 35 years later to not only share her testimony openly, but with the support of her husband, start the Masked to Help Foundation after learning of bigger issues that plague our cities, states and nation.

Masked to Help Foundation; as in modern day superheroes with no extraordinary powers other than humility, pure will and strong faith, was founded to unmask childhood brokenness and help bring awareness and an end to the modern-day child enslavement epidemic.

We host an annual gala, informational clinics and events throughout the year which provide financial support to non-profits focused on providing resources, housing and life skills to the hurting youth in the North Dallas area and Texas where there is the greatest need.

We also physically come alongside those building homes and facilities to help see them through the completion of their projects. It’s our commitment to see the first survivors rescued, be welcomed into their new place of hope for every project. It will not stop there either! We will continue to help raise funds for resources and evidence-based facilities as long as there is a need. Remember it takes a village!
“Masked in Humility to Help Unmask Childhood Brokenness”

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